Friday, August 26, 2011

Jim Thome's return to Cleveland

When news that slugger Jim Thome would be returning to Cleveland hit the Internet, social media users were buzzing with excitement.

Here's a quick Storify I put together with comments from Indians fans and information about Thome.

Danielle Capriato | | @DCapriato

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

. @Alex_White6 lost some Cleveland followers

On Tuesday morning, Alex White posted a message on Twitter that elicited some varied and sometimes colorful responses from Cleveland Indians fans. Check out the Storify below to see what he said and just how passionate Cleveland fans can be.

My thoughts on the tweet: It was an immature comment, not well thought out. Sure, maybe Denver is a more beautiful city than Cleveland, and maybe it has more to offer. But the "With the exception of a few people" comment at the end of his tweet implies that there is something wrong with the people of Cleveland, the Indians organization and its fanbase. White should think before he tweets in the future - a lesson he probably learned well this week.

-- Cheryl Sadler | | @nhcheryl

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