Sunday, July 18, 2010

Steinbrenner's final salute to an old friend

This has little to do with Cleveland sports, but I hope you'll take a look anyway.

I was on Facebook today and saw a post from a friend linking to a CNN story about her grandfather, Alex Clowson. The central Ohioan played minor league baseball from 1935 to 1941, and he never stopped loving the sport. Several years later he owned a tavern and had one notable regular -- George Steinbrenner.

I'm not going to try to retell the rest of the touching story. You should read it for yourself.

-- Cheryl Sadler

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Friday, July 16, 2010


By Nick Carrabine

Cleveland, you didn’t expect anything less, did you?

This isn’t just heartbreak city, it’s gut wrenching-tear spilling-rip your heart out onto the ground and stomp on it while the whole world laughs at us.

Eight days after whatshisface announced his “decision,” I can’t help but wonder, when will this debacle ever end.

Time after time, year after year, the good ole’ Cleveland curse doesn’t just rear it’s ugly head, but it makes it a point to do so in such an unbelievable fashion that leaves everyone disheartened, disgusted, disturbed and other “di” words (dipressed?) that I don’t care to think of right now.

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